1 September 2011 –includes Task due dates for 2011-12

Happy Hogwarts Day!

Today we’ll finish talking about the writing handout, and I’ll try to answer any questions you have.  Then we’ll actually start your first task.

In general, this essay should pick up where you left off in English 9 in terms of analytical writing, but it should also push you forward pretty significantly.  Most of the time, students struggle with the thesis writing–getting a what and a so-what can be really, really tough.  So I’m going to give you a bunch of handouts today:

Your first proposal will be due no later than Thursday, September 8.  And the last call for critical reflections will be October 13.  This means task two will spill into Trimester 2, but I think that’s okay.  The most important thing is that you not feel rushed on the first task!

And while we’re on the subject, here are the other task dates to note:

  • Task 2: First Proposal due 10/19, Last call 11/22
  • Task 3: First Proposal due 12/5, Last call 1/17
  • Task 4: First Proposal due 1/24, Last call 2/21
  • Task 5: First proposal due 2/28, Last call 4/9
  • Task 6: First proposal due 4/17, Last Call 5/25

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