10H – 13 Mar 2014 – We interrupt this program to bring you…

We’ll go ahead and read RAISIN today. If we do not finish Act I, Scene 2, please finish it for class tomorrow.

However, I’m ALSO giving you some things to read for tomorrow. They both appeared in their original form at http://www.stackedbooks.org:

Tomorrow, for our discussion, we’ll talk RAISIN, but we’ll also talk about these articles. They’re important (If only tangentially related).

Tonight, for your journal, choose TWO of these prompts:

  1. Journal about the issues raised by Asagai’s visit. You might think about the different attitudes toward Africa, some of Agasai’s criticisms of African-American culture, particularly his view that most African-Americans are assimilationists, or the difference between Asagai and Beneatha around issues of gender and romantic relationships.
  2. Journal about the arrival of the check. Go back through that scene and look for indicators of symbolism, foreshadowing, characterization, etc.
  3. Explain how one of these quotes is significant to the play so far. Consider characterization, symbols, subjects, themes:

 Quote L: “Assimilationism is so popular in your country.” Act 1, Scene 2

Quote M: “When a man goes outside his home to look for peace.” Act 1, Scene 2

Quote N: “Something has changed. You something new, boy. In my time we was worried about not being lynched and getting to the North if we could and how to stay alive and still have a pinch of dignity too…Now here come you and Beneatha – talking ’bout things we ain’t never even thought about hardly, me and your daddy. You ain’t satisfied or proud of nothing we done. I mean that you had a home; that we kept you out of trouble till you was grown; that you don’t have to ride to work on the back of nobody’s streetcar – You my children – but how different we done become.” Act 1, Scene 2

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